Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Hi ho, Hi ho, it’s off to work I go....!!!

I’m writing my final blog entry on the quest to find a new job whilst sat on my roof balcony, drinking a glass of wine and savouring the glorious rays of sunshine, as this my friends is my final evening of unemployment (on the day that the sun decides it’s coming out “properly” for summer – typical when it’s the eve of my starting a sweaty commute on the Northern line!!!) I resisted the urge to write a hasty entry last week rabbiting on about my new job, just in case it all ended in tears (although I did update my Facebook status – to which I received 38 message of congrats – HOORAH!!!!)

In my 140 days of unemployment I have applied for 162 jobs (many of which I believe were phantom), I have been to 15 interviews and written 7 blog entries (including this one), I have written 6 full on marketing plans for various companies and presented them. I have been gazumped, I have been offered 3 jobs to then be usurped by internal candidates, I have been told that a 16 page marketing plan and presentation I prepared for 7city Learning for a Marketing Exec role wasn’t detailed enough (after receiving that email I called them and asked them to expand – they couldn’t. I think they were sore as I took my handouts back; totally sick of putting all my ideas on the table for the lead to then go cold – you want my ideas – you hire me!) Ooh, I’ve dealt with brilliant recruitment consultants and I’ve dealt with some right numpties. The mistake the bad ones have made is to forget that one day I may become their client – I know exactly who I’ll be calling when I need to recruit!!! I have also made some great contacts thanks to my blog, and my eternal gratitude is extended to Jamie for sending bits and bobs of work my way - kept my pockets lightly lined and also kept me out of mischief!

I chose to write this entry today for a particular reason – as it has been the underlying theme throughout my blog: today was the day I said goodbye to the SW16 degenerates. I have officially been signed off; I am no longer contractually obliged to show my face down the Jobcentre plus office once a week as I am now entering gainful employment. I still had to wait a while to be seen, but once I was seen I joyfully told Ayo that I wouldn’t be seeing her anymore. She said congratulations, said she knew the moment she mentioned I would have to attend a “back to work” seminar with the other unemployed folk that I was destined to not attend!

I did however leave there with a tinge of sadness today – there were even more “normal” people in there than ever, but I did overhear a couple of conversations and they all sounded as though they were going to get a job soon which is good. What really made me sad though was the obvious lack of resources. The degenerates as I refer to them don’t have a hope in hell in finding work (not all of them, but the majority). They come in and abuse staff with their cans of Tenants Super in one hand and betting slip in another, moaning that they have to wait to be seen, when all they want to do is rush off to the nearest bookies so they can put a £1 each-way bet on the 3.40 at Doncaster! What good is a “back to work” seminar for these folk who know no different – surely they’d be better off receiving a life-skills course and a lesson in how not to pi*s your £64 a week up the wall?!

Anyhow – that is another blog piece altogether, let’s get back to me!!!! After a wee mental set back a few weeks ago, after feeling woefully sorry for myself things suddenly picked up. I am a strong believer is people having to reach rock bottom before things change, and that’s what happened to me. A very good friend and ex-colleague of mine told me that a company he had a meeting with happened to be looking for a Marketing person. I called George at B2B Partnerships, had a nice conversation, sent my CV and we immediately arranged to meet a couple of days later on the Southbank. I met both George and her partner Ali – 2 lovely ladies who have a fabulous company specialising in B2B marketing and helping companies’ partner with each other. To cut a long story short, I came back for a 2nd interview, left with a warm fuzzy feeling keeping my fingers and toes crossed that they too had the same warm fuzzy feeling about me; I received a phone-call a couple of hours later offering me the position of Marketing Manager!!!!!


So, I start my new job tomorrow, there’s only the 3 of us, George, Ali & I. I don’t know a HUGE amount what I’ll be doing but I do know I’ll be working with the ACCA which is right up my street as I used to do some work with them when I worked at GAAPweb. What I do know is that I’m very excited; I’ll be doing some great marketing for the company - helping extend its reach and increase awareness of this fabulous organisation. Whatever work I do is going to have a direct impact on the success of the company which is filling me with a sense of great anticipation; what a great year I have ahead of me and it’s mine for the taking – I’ll get what I put in and for that alone I have vowed to give it my all.

So chaps and chapettes, for now I sign off. I will most definitely be starting a new, professional blog and I will be keeping an eye out on
www.mylonglunch.com for any opportunities that I can benefit from, and I will of course contribute to any discussions I think warrant my two pennies worth of thought! I am now grateful for my stint of unemployment – it’s made me reassess what’s important and I am now more grateful than ever to have a job. I can now get really excited about summer weekends and festivals – to which I am going to 2, possibly 3 this year. Secret Garden and the festival to end all festivals – BESTIVAL!!! Those of you that know me well will appreciate the level of excitement that builds up every year in the run-up to Bestival! The fancy dress theme this year is “Space oddity.” I want to go as a Smash Martian from the old 80s adverts – any suggestions on how to make the outfit would be gratefully appreciated! Other than that if you are still looking for work, keep the faith; when I was at my lowest ebb and I thought the world was against me I found a great job; so if I can – you can too.

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